środa, 10 sierpnia 2011

Writing An Ebook and Bringing It Before The Public

By Owen Jones

We every one have skills, whether they be work-related skills like construction or welding; or managerial skills like working in or running an office; or sales or public relations skills like working in a shop or the front desk of an office. There are also other skills or experiences like parenting or having learned how to cope with a serious illness, whether it be your own or someone else's.

Everyone has experiences that are either collective or unique. Like growing up - if you look, you can find both general common experiences and also (quite) unique individual life experiences. The trick is unravelling all of these experiences and working out what people would be interested in reading (or paying to read).

So, if you want to publish a book or, to a lesser level, an article, you have to try to discern what interests people. There are at least two ideas at this stage. You could:

1] merely write about what you are interested in and hope for the best or

2] do some research to find out which is the issue that you know most about that will have the best chance of selling to a (quite) wide public

It seems that most individuals who compose short articles adopt the first approach, but successful writers of larger works tend to adopt the latter. This is of course because of the amount of time that it takes to compose a book likened with an article.

Nevertheless, many people in both the book and short story markets are almost certainly destined to failure because they have adopted the wrong approach. For instance, spend weeks researching a book that might take you a year to write, but why spend the same length of time researching an article that will just take you an hour to write?

You can go too far and not far enough in your research and if common sense does not counsel you, then you will have to wait for experience to tell you instead.

When you have selected your topic and written your ebook (or had it ghost written for you - do not forget that option), you have to think about marketing it - bringing it to the public. This used to be the most difficult part, but now you can sell it through quite a number of online bookstores including Amazon.

These firms will promote your book, deliver it to your customers, collect the money and pay you out after they have taken their percentage of about 30%. There has never been a safer or / and easier way for a author to get started than now and if you would like to sell hard copies like paperbacks or hardbacks, Amazon, through their associates, can take care of that too.

This is a wonderful time for non-established writers. When you have done your research and written your book, it costs nothing to get it out there on immediate download in front of billions of potential customers!

About the Author:

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