sobota, 12 listopada 2011

Headline Ideas - Your Starting Five To Success

By Harry Barber

Anybody worth his or her salt in advertising needs to remember that the most tantalizing headline is the one that piques your reader's interest. And not only can they *grab attention*, they can also make your message easy to read, convey your main selling points, and lead your customer to a sale.

Think of copywriting as basketball - since I know not all of you are sports buffs like I am, let's just say both have five as a magic number - five great headline ideas, five players per team on the court. Here are the fab five:

The Question Headline - "Are Money Problems Getting You Down Again?"

A question headline automatically gets your readers involved in your message, because they answer it in their minds. Just like a good pass to an open player usually results in two points easy, a good question to an interested reader usually results in him/her continuing to read your copy. But don't "drop the ball" by focusing on self-serving headlines that do not interest your readers. A bad example would be: "Do You Know What New Product We've Created This Year?" (No one cares but you!)

The How-to, i.e. "How to Reduce That Flab in One Month Flat

How-to headlines work very well, because people love information that shows them how to do something. (Thousands of book titles begin with "How to....") All you need is an idea of the benefits of your product/service and you're all set.

The Testimonial," Jane Smith's Consulting Is Pure Magic -- Our Sales Have Increased by 30%!"

This here headline is a top performer because it enables others to play, or in this case, sell better. Positive praise can help your clients gain more customers in due time. Include the city where your clients are based in and of course, their complete names.

The Command, "Boost Your Business Today!"

The commanding headline made our Starting Five because it is just that - a commanding presence through bold proclamations of benefits, like "Yes, YOU Can Lose 30 Pounds!" or "Play Guitar Like Hendrix!" (As an aside, numbers, names or other specifics, especially numbers, make good headline fodder. And you'll want to make it an odd number, because somehow that's what a lot of readers want!)

The News - "Introducing The New Diet Pill That Made Joe S. of Oceanside, CA 75 Pounds Lighter In 5 Months!

Caution: This only works if you truly have something big to announce that is of interest to the reader. (Something that will make her life or business better.) You do NOT want to invent news like pulling rabbits out of a hat!

So, as you can see, readers have to know what's the bottom line before potentially increasing YOUR bottom line by reading further into your copy. So put some TLC into creating headlines that entice!

About the Author:

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