Greeting cards are an excellent means of showing how much a relationship means to you The words may come out wrong from our end, but these cards express exactly how we feel. The men and women who write greeting cards are unsung heroes in the writing world, as they do not receive any byline whatsoever. Writing for greeting cards is especially nice because the word count is low and the pay can be as much, or more, than some publications.
If you want to write for greeting cards, the first thing to do is to become familiar with what is popular and what sells. If you do not possess any flair for the unusual and cutting-edge, do not expect greeting card companies to drool over your portfolio. Writers getting into the game would want to trust their instinct and just let the words flow out naturally. The same is true when writing for greeting cards.
The next thing you would want to do is look for a reliable company that hires freelance writers for greeting cards, and check their website for more information. Most have policies regarding freelance submissions and ask that content for greeting cards be submitted to a specific individual within the company. And if accepted with the company, you will be compensated commensurately to the company's aforementioned freelance writing policy.
You may be wondering what the most popular greeting cards are these days. Holiday specific cards are always popular, as are those dealing with love and humor. Greeting cards transcend most cultural barriers through their ability to put a smile to a person's face. It may be a cartoonish attempt at describing friendship or sending birthday tidings to a loved one far away. Also, let us not forget celebrating life events, including anniversaries - certainly these are events that can be properly described through the sentiments expressed in greeting cards. Greeting card publishers would normally focus on these basic emotions and everyday slice-of-life events.
For one quick, final note on writing for greeting cards, you would not want to just randomly submit your work. There would be publishers that, for one reason or another, do not accept freelance work, and these are not companies you want to try your luck with. And please do avoid those companies that do not compensate their writers - you're not receiving a byline so the least you can expect would be some compensation for your work. Always submit to companies that are willing to pay freelance writers for their work. Now isn't it much better to put a smile on another person's face AND have a fatter wallet in return for this simple act of warming your readers' heart through writing for greeting cards?
If you want to write for greeting cards, the first thing to do is to become familiar with what is popular and what sells. If you do not possess any flair for the unusual and cutting-edge, do not expect greeting card companies to drool over your portfolio. Writers getting into the game would want to trust their instinct and just let the words flow out naturally. The same is true when writing for greeting cards.
The next thing you would want to do is look for a reliable company that hires freelance writers for greeting cards, and check their website for more information. Most have policies regarding freelance submissions and ask that content for greeting cards be submitted to a specific individual within the company. And if accepted with the company, you will be compensated commensurately to the company's aforementioned freelance writing policy.
You may be wondering what the most popular greeting cards are these days. Holiday specific cards are always popular, as are those dealing with love and humor. Greeting cards transcend most cultural barriers through their ability to put a smile to a person's face. It may be a cartoonish attempt at describing friendship or sending birthday tidings to a loved one far away. Also, let us not forget celebrating life events, including anniversaries - certainly these are events that can be properly described through the sentiments expressed in greeting cards. Greeting card publishers would normally focus on these basic emotions and everyday slice-of-life events.
For one quick, final note on writing for greeting cards, you would not want to just randomly submit your work. There would be publishers that, for one reason or another, do not accept freelance work, and these are not companies you want to try your luck with. And please do avoid those companies that do not compensate their writers - you're not receiving a byline so the least you can expect would be some compensation for your work. Always submit to companies that are willing to pay freelance writers for their work. Now isn't it much better to put a smile on another person's face AND have a fatter wallet in return for this simple act of warming your readers' heart through writing for greeting cards?
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