These are books aimed at adolescent children of the age brackets of 13-21. The themes used in writing of young adult book reviews mostly are drug abuse, love and romance, sexuality etc. The plot of the stories is written within the age bracket of the readers and they get to experience and live with the characters in their world.
The author puts himself in the adolescent stage and tries to imagine what issues affect or interests them. For instant, an author may decide to write about self-esteem and title the book inner beauty. Then a review of inner beauty is written in a way to attract the targeted audience who in this case re the youth. He/ she use a character, Mary, who has issues with her self-esteem.
Mostly the protagonist is a young adult instead of a child or a full grown adult.When it comes to the young adult books you will notice, that is if you like reading these books, that the author picks themes that affect the youth. Examples of themes used are like drug abuse, sexuality, self esteem, rivalry, love and romance etc.
At home Mary cries and her mother encourages her not to let go of her dream that no matter what her dreams are valid. The words cling into her head and decide that enough is enough, she will do what makes her happy and not others. Second time Mary is on stage she ignores the laughter and starts singing. Her voice captures the audience and everyone is amazed this is how she starts building herself confidence slowly. She gets to meet her first love, popularity and make over. The author then promises the readers a good read and page turning novel that will leave them wanting more.
Then the author tells us how this good boy turns into the most wanted criminal by the police and is feared by many. Suddenly things change when this boy decides that he is tired of crime and turns himself to the police, interestingly he is given a pardon to be released out of jail after serving only one and a half years, I mean this is the kind of criminal that should stay in jail for many years if not forever, that is what many readers would think but the author decides to surprise us by this turn of event.
Outside jail he decides help youths around not to turn out to be like him. The author speaks to this youth indirect that crime is not good no matter the situation. You will see that the genre the authors use appeal to these youths. Like the case of this boy who turns into a drug addict and gangster, the author writes about the very thing that happens to society today.
Nowadays young adult literature has been incorporated into the classrooms. Main reason being to encourage these young readers to be independent readers and help them acquire skills necessary to deal with life and succeed. Another reason is adding this type of literature makes learning more interesting, it adds a spark in learning.
Young literature has also been incorporated in schools making learning not only interesting but also improving the students comprehension. In addition it has helped to nature talented children in writing of such books.
The author puts himself in the adolescent stage and tries to imagine what issues affect or interests them. For instant, an author may decide to write about self-esteem and title the book inner beauty. Then a review of inner beauty is written in a way to attract the targeted audience who in this case re the youth. He/ she use a character, Mary, who has issues with her self-esteem.
Mostly the protagonist is a young adult instead of a child or a full grown adult.When it comes to the young adult books you will notice, that is if you like reading these books, that the author picks themes that affect the youth. Examples of themes used are like drug abuse, sexuality, self esteem, rivalry, love and romance etc.
At home Mary cries and her mother encourages her not to let go of her dream that no matter what her dreams are valid. The words cling into her head and decide that enough is enough, she will do what makes her happy and not others. Second time Mary is on stage she ignores the laughter and starts singing. Her voice captures the audience and everyone is amazed this is how she starts building herself confidence slowly. She gets to meet her first love, popularity and make over. The author then promises the readers a good read and page turning novel that will leave them wanting more.
Then the author tells us how this good boy turns into the most wanted criminal by the police and is feared by many. Suddenly things change when this boy decides that he is tired of crime and turns himself to the police, interestingly he is given a pardon to be released out of jail after serving only one and a half years, I mean this is the kind of criminal that should stay in jail for many years if not forever, that is what many readers would think but the author decides to surprise us by this turn of event.
Outside jail he decides help youths around not to turn out to be like him. The author speaks to this youth indirect that crime is not good no matter the situation. You will see that the genre the authors use appeal to these youths. Like the case of this boy who turns into a drug addict and gangster, the author writes about the very thing that happens to society today.
Nowadays young adult literature has been incorporated into the classrooms. Main reason being to encourage these young readers to be independent readers and help them acquire skills necessary to deal with life and succeed. Another reason is adding this type of literature makes learning more interesting, it adds a spark in learning.
Young literature has also been incorporated in schools making learning not only interesting but also improving the students comprehension. In addition it has helped to nature talented children in writing of such books.
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