sobota, 20 października 2012

Copywriting Tips For Writers With Time Management Problems

By Reed Slidell

There are a lot of copywriting tips on the web these days, but not a lot of them talk about time management in doing internet marketing tasks. This isn't because it's not important. It's not because writers don't have procrastination problems either. They do! However, it seems trivial compared with other issues, hence not many are willing to address them. In this article, let's beg to differ.

Make a to-do list. To-do lists are an important part of copy writing tips. Perhaps not everyone can see how, but they are. You see, when you list everything you want to accomplish in a day, you get to move methodically. You concentrate on the items you listed and feel little triumphs whenever you accomplish them. At the end of the day, when all the items have been crossed out, you feel fulfilled and productive. Then you're ready to make another list.

Do away with distractions. Distractions are everywhere and it's the number one dilemma that writers have to face. The TV is always airing fun programs, the radio's always playing cool songs, friends and family members are always sending you text messages and emails and messages from social media accounts. It's just impossible not to get distracted by these. But, you can do something to eliminate them, or at least make their effects minimal. For one, you can simply turn the TV or radio off. Then, you can put the phone on "meeting" mode. As for the computer, you can turn its volume down so you won't get startled with every "bing bong" from the email or messenger.

Schedule regular breaks. It is not advisable that you take long breaks when you're writing, particularly from home. You should have a schedule to follow as if you were working in the office. You know, have a particular time for snacks, lunch, or dinner. But because you're working on a computer, it is ideal to exercise your eyes and fingers every hour or so, too. This will help protect your vision better, as well as prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. People who spend long hours in front of the computer are likely to suffer from these problems.

Schedule simple activities. Simple activities pertain to simple things you do such as checking phone messages or e-mails. Yes, these too should be scheduled when you are working on some write-ups because they can divert your focus big time. Imagine if you're going to check every message that comes, your mind would inevitably stop thinking of what you're doing and shift to the message that just came. Next thing you know, you'd be busy replying and you no longer have the motivation to go back to work.

Learn to say no. Knowing how and when to say "no" is imperative if you want to manage your time better. If you keep on saying "yes", you would fill your schedule to the brink and no longer have the chance to think things over and be logical. This, as you can gather, is very dangerous. All the copywriting tips would no longer make sense as you won't have the time for them anyway.

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