wtorek, 13 marca 2018

Top Tips For Eliminating Harmful Household Cleaning Products

By Laura Phillips

If you are concerned about the negative effects that chemicals can have on your health you may be surprised to find out that the air inside your home can be just as polluted, if not more so, than the environment that surrounds you when you step out the door. One of the ongoing reasons for the presence of toxins in your home is harmful household cleaning products. Here are some tips to minimize their use and information that will help you separate safe products from those that can have an adverse effect on your health.

There are a few ways that harmful chemicals can hurt us while we are cleaning. Some can be absorbed through the skin and enter our systems that way. Others emit fumes which we can breathe in. Some may harm our lungs and make us cough because of the fumes they put off while others may not cause coughing but may still be harmful to breathe in.

While many people are quite happy to wear gloves while cleaning they may not think about wearing a mask. It is important to make sure that as little of you comes in contact with the products you are using as possible. Some harmful ingredients can actually build up in our systems and make us sick even after we have stopped using them.

You may want to ensure that you have enough ventilation if you are cleaning with chemical-based products. As some fumes are only harmful when they have had a chance to build up, opening windows or putting on exhaust fans may help reduce these harmful effects.

Some cleaning products may create toxic fumes if they are mixed together. Some individuals have gotten sick when they mixed toilet cleaner that contained sodium bisulphate with bleach or bleach-based cleaners. This can create chlorine gas which can be deadly if it is inhaled. It is important for you to know what you are cleaning with and to label your products clearly to prevent things like this from happening.

If you want to eliminate the presence of chemicals in your home or you are dealing with chemical sensitivities, you may need to do more than simply wear gloves or a mask. You may need to replace your current roster of cleansers with ones that are more natural. In the past, some chemical-free cleaners did not work as well as their more toxic counterparts but this has changed and many products are now very effective.

Many individuals are using products that they make themselves in order to clean their homes naturally. In the past, vinegar, baking soda and other natural ingredients were used to clean and sanitize homes without harmful chemicals. If you are interested in going this route, there are many websites that feature recipes you can make yourself.

While it can be difficult to eliminate everything toxic from your home, using natural cleaning products is a great start. It may take longer or use a bit more elbow grease but the knowledge that you are protecting your health will make it all worthwhile.

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