sobota, 21 kwietnia 2012

Simple Brainstorming Strategy for a Brilliant Essay

By Kate Morgan

Writer's block is an inevitable disease that all essay writers will have to deal with at least once in their lives. At some particular point, you will also find it's hard to start filling up a blank piece of paper because the ideas don't come flowing in.

There are several reasons for writer's block. For some, it's simply a case of jitters that ease up in one or two hours or 1 or 2 days. For others, it is a full-blown panic episode that makes you think you're not quite good enough.

Luckily , there also are several ways to alleviate writer's block. Brainstorming is among the best ways to do it. Brainstorming has been written about by so many writers that you almost certainly know precisely what must be done now. It's not an odd process and virtually everybody knows the correct way to do it, either on their own or with people in a group. When you do not know what to write about, simply take a piece of paper and start jotting down ideas. Your inner critic is turned off during brainstorming. There aren't any good and bad ideas when you're doing a brainstorm - only concepts. And these ideas may be what you want to get your creative juices running.

That is the reason why it's called brainstorming. You can't stop the lightning bolts and the roars of thunder from rolling in. So you may as well sit back and let everything fall into place. One technique that may help you come up with at least one brilliant answer to your problem of writer's block is to think up 100 ideas. That's right - 100 good and bad ideas on what to write about in your essay. When you reach No. 52, you'll be squeezing your brains out for something to scribble about, but squeeze you should. Perhaps No. 3 is even an effort for you, but you should squeeze just the same.

Even a really bad idea can morph into a brilliant essay if you are prepared to take a look at it in different ways. So go on. Grab that pen and brainstorm. With 100 ideas, you're assured at least one idea worth its weight in gold!

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