czwartek, 14 lipca 2011

Main Rules of Writing Articles.

By Dmitry Vasenyov

In this post I want to share my rules of writing articles. These rules are suitable for bloggers and for those who can write an article on order.

1. What is the optimal length of the post?

I got used not to publish a post which has less than 300 words. Let me explain why: there is Twitter for short articles. Applying short notes, it is more difficult to break through in the top of search engines, especially if you touch not one narrow niche in your blog. When traffic of the blog is high and there is a steady stream of visitors - you can try various options.

2. What number of keywords should be in the article?

The answer is the same everywhere - no more than 6% of the total volume of the post. I do not think that you must calculate how many keywords you have applied, whether you have applied them correctly and to the point. It is understandable that you wish to be as high as possible in the search engines. But you're writing for persons, not robots: the main thing is that a user will be able to read what is written in your article. There is one more thing: for me it is not only significant what is written in the article, it is important what the reader will read.

3. How to optimize an article for the search engines?

It is advisable to use keywords of the most advanced search engines. This will help you not only to optimize the article, but the website / blog in total. You can even get to know the words synonyms that are applied by users when searching for information they need. Actually, often look into the help of key words - it is a very useful thing, the quality of your optimization will rise to a new level. Read what sites Google considers comfortable.

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